Boston Marriage at PICT

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Boston Marriage at PICTThe third production of the season for PICT, Boston Marriage was uncomfortable at times, but thoroughly enjoyable at all times. Being new to drama in general, I learned a new word, dramaturgy, from the program. Apparently, Mamet is still alive and recently directed a production of his play in LA.

Anyway, I got to take my mom this time. She loved it and wasn’t even that cold, on account of her putting on her pants and a sweatshirt before we went in. Oh, we ate at Lulu’s Noodles on Craig Street near CMU and the new MSE building. Mmmm, pad thai. There is also an Indian grocery on that street, and my mom made the mistake of calling her mom to tell her about the prices for dahl. The price “wasn’t good, but it wasn’t bad either”. Let’s say that my mom left Pittsburgh with 30 lbs. of dahl in the trunk.

The play took place in the Henry Heyman Theatre, which is a black box that is downstairs at the Foster. They had the most comfortable seats that I’ve ever sat in, so don’t go there if you are tired. Once again, I highly recommend PICT for a great evening.

Here’s some links:

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